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JK Technologies primary support plan is our Priority Service Plan JK Technologies uses a retainer based model that focuses our efforts on our existing customers. The Priority Service Plan is our method to control our growth to preserve our availability for our customer's company’s IT needs, instead of looking for new customers and performing new installs. JK Technologies currently has a waiting list for new customers. To be most responsive to our customers, we only sell between 20-25 hours of billable labor per week per IT engineer. The remaining weekly hours are lost to research, travel and documentation. In focusing completely on our existing customer base, JK Technologies ensures our responsive availability for our customer's needs--especially during emergencies. How does it work? Our Priority Service Plan is a retainer. Priority Service Plan customers receive a monthly bill, paid in advance for their IT support, which reserves hours of consulting services for the month. If they exceed their reserved time, they receive an itemized bill
for the overage. A primary advantage of our Priority Service Plan, is that it gives our staff the opportunity to look for problems and do preventative maintenance, without waiting for emergencies.
Many IT firms use "Block Time." With Block Time, those calls are often emergencies,
because Block Time is a "Break Fix" model. Our goal is to prevent problems as part of our service. It's amazing how many "emergencies" have warning signs in the logs and in the system reports.
Our Priority Service Plan gives us the chance to look for these problems in advance of the downtime and the emergency. Just like the medical world, prevention and early detection often result in the best outcome.
There are many advantages to our Priority Service Plan contract customers. Top priority for calls Time is reserved for a month. Reduced pricing on other services Remote support technologies at no additional charge. Free 10 minute remote sessions One-half hour billing increments. No surcharge for after hours work. Equipment and software are billed separately. Other services (email, hosting, etc.) are billed separately. Additional discounts for larger customers.
Service Call Priority Order Priority Service Plan customers receive top priority. The service order is: Medical devices Paycheck generation Large Group work stoppages Small Group work stoppages Individual work stoppages Routine installations and upgrades Routine maintenance
Service Calls to non-contract customers, per our standard policies. Please note that non-contracted service calls receive a lower priority than our contract customers.
Standard Prices and Company Policies Standard Rate $195 per hour (Windows, Mac). Estimates are provided as consulting services, and are billable. Rebuild Business PC from $249. Rebuild Server from $299. Data Recovery: $500 minimum Data Recovery Evaluation only: $100 minimum Discounts available with our service plans. Discounts offered for large projects and high volume clients. Discounts offered to long-term clients. 50% surcharge for after-business hours work, unless under contract. 50% surcharge for weekend work, unless under contract. One hour minimum charge per call. Free loaners for established clients, when available. All rates and policies subject to change without notice. Warranties are provided exclusively by product manufacturer. All equipment and software is the property of JK Tech until paid in full. We reserve the right to refuse to provide services for any reason. Online Help is billed per hour, one hour minimum.
JK Technologies Invoices and prepayment requirements. - Large Projects require prepayment for hardware and software
- Balance due upon demand, upon completion of any project.
- All bills must be settled within 30 days of invoice delivery.
- We accept cash, all major credit cards and checks.
- Bills unpaid for 30 days will incur 1.5% interest per month until paid (18% APR)
Limits of Liability Verizon DSL Expenses: Verizon customers may incur a higher charges due to ongoing problems with Verizon's network and their support staff Frequently, Verizon DSL takes 2 to 6 hours longer to install than T1, Cox Cable or Adelphia Cable, or other DSL services such as VisiNet, Cavalier, NetTek, Earthlink, Covad, or USLex. Verizon customers should be aware of account changes can take 2 weeks and that phone wait times often exceed 1 hour. JK Technologies does not recommend DSL when other options are available.
